Optimizer comes with 3 menu locations where you can add your menus. To setup a menu,

  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Menus
  2. Click the “Add a Menu” button & Write a menu name on the field, it can be anything you like.
  3. Now Click the “Create Menu” button.
  4. Click the “Add Items” button to add menu items to your menu. You can add pages, categories, posts etc. To add a homepage click the “Pages” tab from right and add click the + icon beside the “Home” item.
  5. After adding all the menu items, click the “Add items” button again to hide the item selector panel.
  6. Now that you have created a menu, you need to set it to a menu location. You can select the “Header Navigation” to add the menu to your header or “Topbar Navigation” to add it to your topbar or “Footer navigation” to display the menu in the footer.
  7. Click “Save & Publish“ button to save the changes.


You can change the Menu Style and color settings from Customize > Header > Menu. One thing to note here is that, if you want to display a menu icon, Go to Customize > Header > Menu and first select a “Menu style” that has the word “icon” in it and then from your WordPress Dashboard go to Appearance > Menus and click on each menu item and you will notice an icon option that lets you select a specific icon to your menu item.