Upgrading To Optimizer Pro


 Step 1: Collect the Pro .zip file & license key

  1. After completing purchase, check your email for Optimizer Pro.zip & license key
  2. Alternatively, you can Log in into your OptimizerWP Account & Go to DashboardLayerthemes Dashboard
  3. Click on  to see your license key
  4. And Click on Optimizer PRO to download the Optimizer PRO .zip file

Caution: Safari automatically unzips the zip file that you download. The Optimizer folder you downloaded, right click on it and zip it.


Step 2: Installing Optimizer Pro

  1. Go to Appearance -> Themes -> Add New
  2. From top, Click on Upload Theme
  3. Choose the ZIP file you’ve downloaded & Click Install Now
  4. Click on Activate to active the theme


Step 3: Activating your license

  1. Go to your website & log in
  2. Go to Appearance -> Optimizer LicenseOptimizer PRO License Activation
  3. Paste your theme license key into the License Key field
  4. Click on Save Changes
  5. Then Click the “Activate License” button to activate the license.

Info: Without activating license, you will not receive any updates of Optimizer PRO


Step 4: Activating your Optimizer Free Widgets

Follow this steps if you upgraded from Optimizer free to Optimizer Pro. After activating the Optimizer Pro

  1. Go to Appearance -> Widgets
  2. Scroll down to bottom to Inactive Widgets
  3. Now drag and drop them to Front Page Widget up above