Content Boxes Shortcodes



Create section within a post or pages with option to change the background color or image.



How To Use 

  1. From Your Dashboard Go to Post Editor
  2. Click on Shortcodes -> Content Boxes -> Section
  3. If it’s more than 1 block, set block width (Make sure the block’s cumulative width is 100%)


background_image – Image url of the section
text_color – Section text color
background_color – Sections background color


Content Blocks

Blocks let you display your content inside a html block. You can include up to 4 blocks in each row.


12.Content Blocks

How To Use 

  1. From Your Dashboard Go to Post Editor
  2. Click on Shortcodes -> Content Boxes -> Content Blocks
  3. If it’s more than 1 block, set the block width (Make sure the block’s cumulative width is 100%)
                   Eg: if you have2 blocks the 1st block can have 75% width and the 2nd one 25%. Or both can have
  4. Write content in Block Content sectionInfo: The blocks, that don’t have any content will not be shown.

width – Width of the blocks
background – Background color of the block
text_color – Text color of the block
rounded – Rounded box corner (true | false)
shadow – Box shadow (true | false)



Place tabbed content in the post
Tips : You can insert images and shortcodes



How To Use 

  1. From Your Dashboard Go to Post Editor
  2. Click on Shortcodes -> Content Boxes -> Tabs
  3. Write Tab title and Tab contentInfo: The tab sections, that don’t have any content, will not be shown.

titles – Heading of the tab



Toggle content



How To Use 

  1. From Your Dashboard Go to Post Editor
  2. Click on Shortcodes -> Content Boxes -> Toggle
  3. Write Toggle title and Toggle contentTips: The toggle sections, that don’t have any content, will not be shown.
    You can insert images

title – Title of the toggled content



Create a panel



How To Use 

  1. From Your Dashboard Go to Post Editor
  2. Click on Shortcodes -> Content Boxes -> Panels
  3. Write Panel title and Panel content
  4. Select Panel Heading background color & Text ColorTips : You can insert images & shortcodes

Title – Title of the panel content
background_color – Background color of the heading
text_color – Text color of heading


Call To Action

Place Call To Action (CTA)


16.Call To Action

How To Use:

  1. From Your Dashboard Go to Post Editor
  2. Click on Shortcodes -> Content Boxes -> Call To Action
  3. Write CTA content & Button Text
  4. Select Color

button_text – CTA button text
background_color – Background color of the CTA Content
text_color – Text color of the CTA Content
button_background_color – Background color of the CTA Button
button_text_color – Text color of the CTA Button
rounded – Rounded CTA (true | false)


Success Message Box

Success message box


17.Success Message Box

How To Use

  1. From Your Dashboard Go to Post Editor
  2. Click on Shortcodes -> Content Boxes -> Success Message Box
  3. Write Success Message Content


Info Message Box

Info message box


18.Info Message Box

How To Use

  1. From Your Dashboard Go to Post Editor
  2. Click on Shortcodes -> Content Boxes -> Info Message Box
  3. Write Info Message Content


Warning Message Box

Warning message box


19.Warning Message Box

How To Use:

  1. From Your Dashboard Go to Post Editor
  2. Click on Shortcodes -> Content Boxes -> Warning Message Box
  3. Write Warning Message Content


Error Message Box

Error message box


20.Error Message Box

How To Use:

  1. From Your Dashboard Go to Post Editor
  2. Click on Shortcodes -> Content Boxes -> Error Message Box
  3. Write Error Message Content